PPC Remarketing virtues that turn missed opportunities into second chances

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On the occasions when a PPC-guided website visitor doesn’t make a purchase in short order, remarketing can capitalize on your site’s impression upon visitors to the tune of a new chance at nailing a conversion.

Put simply, remarketing ads automate and streamline the Google AdWords take on a time-tested virtue of good client relations: touching base with previous visitors to demonstrate that you personally value their business with your brand. They might not have quite the quaint touch of a warm, genuine letter or cold call inviting the could’ve-been customer to drop in again. They do, however, target an audience section with demonstrated interest not only in the products and services in which you specialize but your brand in particular.

Professionals call the similarly oriented, more individualized strategy “cart abandonment e-mail market,” taking the name from the motivation of zeroing in on website visitors who filled a cart but left the site without finalizing an order. Though compellingly thoughtful, writing selected customers among potentially millions who shop a website grows time-consuming quickly – even when simplifying it down to delivering a boilerplate form letter. Google AdWords’ remarketing ads invigorate campaign ROI by writing cookies within site visitors’ browsers marking them as one time having shown at least a passing interest.

Once AdWords paints the target, it can track it wherever else the prior visitor roams within the Google display network and deliver a strategically placed ad for your site that plays off your brand’s freshness in the still-could-be customer’s mind. Often, it’s a compelling enough appeal that suggestively and successfully shepherds the user right back to your door for another pass.

As with any other action in an AdWords campaign, success means scrutinizing the finer details, measuring twice and cutting once. Few things waste a good marketing budget’s money quite like a PPC campaign that goes off half-cocked and unfocused. AdWords is automated, but once a campaign launches, the onus falls upon the user to track the traffic’s path toward your goals and make adjustments as needed. Keep these stages in mind directing AdWords to go for the rebound from missed conversions.


One of AdWords’ nicest things evolving traits is the ability to surgically target campaigns to ignore searches that are too far from a brand’s target to be worth the money or time to pursue them. Remarketing presents the latest example.
Take advantage of Google’s allowances for tailoring the targeted audience segments based upon how recently they’ve visited your site and split test your soon-to-be-remarketed-to former visitors. AdWords cookies can remarket you as far out as 180 days from a searcher’s last browse to your site. For all you know, though, that might be too far a gap between touches to keep your brand on their minds. Set up baskets of desired previous visitors designated by being 90, 30 or 14 days removed, etc.
Our take, and it’s an obvious one: the recently you can remarket, the better the opportunity.
While you’re at it, test your ads thoroughly before committing to one element set. Your former users will need a compelling lure to get them back to your doorstep; give them ads that emphasize products in which you know, from your site’s traffic analytics, that they’ve expressed an interest. In particular, create ads in several sizes once you’ve found one particular combination of specific design elements that consistently pulls in second-chance traffic.


The sooner you begin targeting previous users, the sooner you’ll gather the minimum 500 cookies that AdWords needs before initiating a remarketing campaign.
While Google gathers the cookies, give some thought to what the former users are demonstrated to have viewed. Remember, your remarketing should stick with familiar items and further establish a cognitive connection between your brand and something the customer is shown by shopping habits to need. Give your creative team some options, though; it doesn’t necessarily have to focus strictly upon previously viewed items. Sometimes, new items from the same department or category can prove just as attractive.
Once you’ve found a desired audience based on how recently they’ve visited and the goods or services in which they expressed an interest, tighten your targeting further. Make the visitors who abandoned stocked shopping carts the first priority, followed by those who left during other buying-cycle stages. The next most fruitful section in remarketing potential would be users who shop with you on a regular basis.


When actually designing, here’s a seemingly obvious but tragically sometimes ignored starting point: match landing pages with ads.
Call it a dramatic expression, but your ad presents a promise: “Click here, find this.” Without exception, your ads should always send anyone who clicks it directly to the relevant landing page. Consider this the statement of “We will not pass ‘Go,’ we will not collect $200 and we will not redirect you to another page that launches you on a scavenger hunt for what you need.”
Once again, split-test everything. Trial and error will often effectively root out an ideal combination of ad-design elements. When it comes to your PPC campaigns and especially given Google AdWords extensive tools for tweaking everything influential about your ads, it’s an unnecessarily extensive route.


The actions you take after your remarketing campaign launches might just mean even more than the ones taken at any other creative stage.
Your campaigns can achieve a great deal through “addition by exclusion.” When you exclude site categories from your targeting parameters, you avoid flare-ups caused by your ads appearing on irrelevant sites. It’s as simple as clicking the Exclusions link in the Google AdWords Networks tab to block your ad from particular sites or even entire categories that don’t fit your desired target.
Pay attention to how each domain that hosts your ad performs. No matter how popular a site maybe within your desired customer demographic, there’s no sense continuing to give the space priority bids if your ads are under-performing. To limit your bids or even exclude them entirely, once more visit the Networks tab and click Show Details. That will list every site on which your ad has been displayed and allow you to weigh its clicks, impressions, and conversions against your goals.

Last Updated on March 28, 2022 by Hitesh Lamba

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